SMAQ – Suburban Living Room
The Korean magazine Concept Architecture features in the October issue SMAQ’s installation Suburban Living Room that was on show in the architecture gallery Am Weissenhof in Stuttgart, Germany.
Suburban Living Room
The installation “Suburban Living Room” thematizes, in the context of the Weissenhof housing development (Mies van der Rohe) in Stuttgart, the change of living towards an intersection of infrastructure and the leisure landscape. Whereas modernity was striving for the opening of the interior to the exterior, the ideal of suburban living today, in an age that is characterized by mobility, organizes itself in a sequence of arrival by car and going outdoors. Similarly, in the gallery, street and garden become opposite poles between which the moment of living is suspended. The building as a limit disappears and the “living room” ceases to be interior, but emerges as a relay in the continuity from infrastructure to landscape.
in: Concept, Nr.76,
August 2005, Seoul, S. 13
Suburban Living Room – Stuttgart